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How To Find a Good Spot for Offshore Fishing

Picture this: you and your friends make plans to take the boat out on the water. You gather up about a thousand pounds of rods, reels, lures, and bait, shove off the dock, and find yourselves . . . bored. Nothing is biting! After a few hours of lackluster action, you decide to call it a day.

That situation happens far too often, and we want to rid the world of boring fishing trips! Read on to learn how to find a good spot for offshore fishing.

Follow the Birds

When you see birds circling over a particular spot, they’re there for a reason. Predatory fish are likely pushing baitfish up from below, which causes birds to flock to that location. You may not notice fish breaking through the surface at a distance, but you can see birds from miles away. Bring your boat around and see what the birds are up to!

Keep Up With the Currents

Currents are responsible for the natural travel of food throughout the ocean—and where the food goes, the fish go. Currents aren’t something you can usually track by eye, so check the tides and currents map to see the patterns for when you’re planning to head out.

Discover Cover

If you were a predatory fish, where would you be? Lurking right beneath the baitfish, of course. And baitfish like to feel safe, so they look for cover. Any floating structures are great places to start looking for fish, like buoys and debris in the water.

Of course, all these tips are meaningless if you don’t follow proper safety precautions. Remember, when you’re on the water for hours on end, protect your head by purchasing the correct fishing hat.

Now that you know how to find a good spot for offshore fishing, gather up your closest fishing buddies and head out on the open water. With these tips and tricks, you’re sure to catch something to write home about!

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