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Different Ways To Keep Your Dog Safe and Healthy This Winter

As the temperatures drop, it’s essential to keep our furry friends cozy and warm. Here are different ways to keep your dog safe and healthy this winter.

Keep the Weather in Mind

This is especially important if you usually leave your dog outdoors for long periods of time. Depending on the climate where you live and your dog’s breed, dogs can get cold very quickly. This puts them at risk of getting sick or even getting hypothermia.

If the weather is uncomfortably cold for you without a coat, your dog should not be left in your backyard, especially if they are small. Many small dogs do not have the body fat or fur density necessary to keep themselves warm in frigid temperatures.

That said, if you own a dog bred for the cold, like a Husky or a Samoyed, you likely won’t be able to get them to come inside out of the snow! Just be conscientious of your dog’s breed and what temperatures they can tolerate.

Make Sure They’re Cozy

Many of us keep our homes cooler in the winter and throw on cozy layers like hoodies, sweatpants, and socks to stay warm. But your dog can’t just dress warmer when they get chilly. Some dogs get a thick winter coat that keeps them warm during winter, but not all breeds have this type of fur. If your dog has started avoiding laying on the cold floor or curling into a tiny ball to sleep, they may be chilly.

Adding blankets to their bed can help them retain some warmth. If they’re still cold, a sweater or puppy coat can help, especially when they need to go outside. The best way to keep your dog warm, though, is to give them lots of cuddles!

Get Them Groomed

Grooming your pup is just as essential in the winter as it is in the summer. Their fluffy winter coats can become itchy if they go unwashed. They’re also more prone to shedding, which is annoying when your floors get covered in dog hair.

Take your pup in for a spa day and get them groomed. You’ll both be happier for it!

With these tips, keeping your dog safe and healthy this winter should be a cinch.

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