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Leaving Your Summer Home Alone? 10 Home Security Tips

Summer homes are such wonderful getaways from the pressures of daily life, that offer a tranquil space for relaxing and creating awesome memories. If you leave the house unattended when it’s time to return to your normal life, it can get broken into, so in order to provide you peace of mind, in this article, we’ll go through the top 10 suggestions for safeguarding your vacation home while you’re away.

What are the 10 Important Tips that We Should Follow for Home Security?

Combining security measures is necessary to protect your vacation home. To keep attackers away, install a cutting-edge security system with cameras and alarms. Use timers for your lights and buy smart locks for extra security. Inform your neighbors or the local government of your absence and make sure routine maintenance is done. Maintaining outside lighting and landscaping, securing valuables in off-site storage, and keeping vacation plans private on social media are all good ideas. Prior to leaving, make sure all doors and windows are completely secured and notify local law authorities of any prolonged absences.

1. Install a Robust Security System

One of the greatest methods to secure your vacation home is to install a reliable security system. Alarms, motion detectors, and surveillance cameras are all included in modern security systems to give real-time monitoring and notifications for any unusual behavior. The simple existence of such a system deters potential criminals from targeting your property and safeguards your investment.

2. Utilize Timers for Lights

A home that is unlit and gloomy can give burglars the impression that no one is home, making it a convenient target. Utilize light timers to simulate regular occupancy even when you are away to combat this. In order to avoid any possible break-ins, carefully set the timers for various rooms to give the impression that the property is occupied and active.

3. Invest in Smart Locks

Traditional locks are simple to pick, which jeopardizes the security of your vacation home. Change to smart locks for improved security that utilize digital encryption and permit remote control from your smartphone. Give trusted people temporary access without having to exchange actual keys, such as maintenance staff or family members.

4. Notify Neighbors or Local Authorities

Giving your neighbors advance notice of your absence might be a useful security precaution. To make your absence less obvious, trusted neighbors can watch over your home, report any suspicious activity, and even collect mail or shipments. As an alternative, think about alerting the local authorities, giving them your emergency contact information, and asking for regular patrols of the area.

5. Implement Regular Maintenance and Inspections

Perform a comprehensive assessment of your vacation home before you depart to find any potential security gaps. Look for broken windows, malfunctioning locks, or deteriorated fences and take immediate action to fix them. It might be very advantageous to hire a property manager in Austin or wherever your vacation home is located. A property manager may take care of routine maintenance, ensuring that your home is kept in excellent shape and lowering security threats.

6. Secure Valuables in Off-Site Storage

Important documents, jewels, and other valuable items shouldn’t be left unattended at your vacation home. To add an additional degree of security against theft and damage, think about transferring them to a safe off-site storage facility.

7. Discreet Vacation on Social Media

Oversharing vacation plans in the social media era can draw unwanted attention. Till you get back, resist the urge to post about your trip. If you announce your absence, robbers can target your vacation house. Save your vacation photos for when you go home so you may share your beautiful experiences without jeopardizing the protection of your property.

8. Exterior Lighting and Landscaping

Potential burglars may be discouraged by a well-lit exterior since they are less likely to try a break-in if they can be seen. To spot any unusual behavior, install motion-activated lights around the perimeter of your vacation property. Moreover, keep your landscaping well-kept to lessen potential hiding places for criminals.

9. Inform Local Law Enforcement

It is wise to let the neighborhood police know if you intend to leave your vacation property empty for a prolonged period of time. Many places have vacation house checks, which add an extra degree of security by having cops occasionally visit your property while on ordinary patrol.

10. Secure Doors and Windows

Make sure all windows and doors are properly locked before you take off. To prevent breaking in, fix weak spots in doors and windows and use strong deadbolts. By quickly walking the perimeter of your home to check for any vulnerable access points, you can prevent a security nightmare.


You must secure your vacation home while you are gone to safeguard your investment and still your mind. You can dramatically lower the danger of burglary and make sure that your vacation home stays safe from harm for years to come by putting these ten home security recommendations into practice, such as setting up a strong security system and employing timers for lights. Enjoy your holiday knowing that you have taken the essential precautions to safeguard your property while you are gone without worrying about its security.

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