4 Things You Should Do After Boarding Your Dog

When you pick your dog up after a stay at a kennel, their behavior may seem different. How they act may make you wonder if they will be able to adjust to living in your house again. Fortunately, they can with your help. Here are four things you should do after boarding your dog.
Go for a Walk With Your Dog
One thing you should do after picking your dog up from the boarding service provider is to take them for a walk. Because they have not seen you in a while, your dog is likely to be very excited and may have an overactive bladder. Walk them down your street so they can relieve themselves outside instead of in your house.
Let Them Rest
Another thing you should do after boarding your dog is let them rest if they seem rather sleepy. During their time at the kennel, they likely got a lot of exercise and excitement as they played with other dogs.
This is good since your dog won’t be full of pent-up energy when they return to you. Unless they seem ill, it’s perfectly natural for your favorite pet to need sleep to recharge their batteries.
Don’t Let Them Drink Too Much
When your dog gets home, they might seem very thirsty and want to drink a lot of water. This is usually because they feel more comfortable drinking water at home or are very excited.
However, don’t let them drink too much. Give them access to a reasonable amount of water so they can get accustomed to their regular drinking habits again. Drinking too fast may make your dog sick.
Don’t Worry if They Seem Clingy
When your dog gets home, you may also notice that they seem rather clingy around you. They may act as though they want your constant attention as they follow you around, walk in circles around you, or even want to sit on you.
There is no reason to feel alarmed since your dog still loves you. It just means your dog missed you and is looking for reassurance after their stay. Just do what you can to get them back into their usual routine.
These tips will help you get your dog used to life back at home. Although the changes in their behavior can seem off-putting, it should be only a matter of time before your dog is back to normal.