What To Know Before Visiting a Shooting Range

If you’re the new owner of a firearm, there’s a good chance you’re going to plan a trip to your local gun range as soon as possible. Of course, not all of you will be rushing to one, but one of the most vital parts of owning a gun is knowing how to use it properly, so you’ll need to go sooner or later. However, the experience can be a bit intimidating if you don’t know what to do, so we’ve created a guide on what to know before visiting a shooting range. That way, you’ll feel more comfortable when doing so.
Shoot With Someone Who Has Experience
If you have a friend or family member who already owns a gun or two, take them with you. They’ll be able to show you the ropes and what you should and shouldn’t do while at the range. If they can’t come with you or you don’t know anyone with experience, the gun range employees will be able to help you out. They might even offer classes if you feel like you need all of the advice you can get.
Use Ear and Eye Protection
Just because people in TV shows and movies can shoot a gun in an enclosed space with no signs of injury doesn’t mean you can. Guns are extremely loud and can ruin your hearing if fired enough times indoors. That’s why ear protection is a must. You probably won’t be the only person at the range—but even if you are, your ears will be constantly exposed to the loud firing of firearms. Wearing ear protection is a must!
We highly recommended eye protection as well. Since there are dividers between you and the other people who are currently shooting, a bullet casing can easily bounce back and hit you in the face. It’s also a good idea in case something goes horribly wrong with the gun, and a piece breaks off and flies towards your eyes.
Remember the Rules
There are a bunch of rules that all firearm owners need to know to handle a gun safely. All people need to be aware of four main guidelines if they’re going to be shooting at the range:
- Treat your firearm as if it’s loaded, even if it isn’t.
- Always point the gun down the range—never at yourself or someone else.
- Consider what is behind and to the side of your target in case you miss.
- Keep your finger on the side of the gun and off the trigger until you’re ready to fire.
Clean It Properly Afterward
An important aspect of what to know before visiting a shooting range includes the need for users to clean their gun after every use. Many people don’t know this, but that doesn’t make it any less important. A dirty gun is more likely to malfunction upon a subsequent use, which can break your gun or hurt you. Every firearm is different, though, so research and watch instructional videos to figure out how to disassemble your gun and which tools you need to clean it.