Treating Scoliosis Without Surgery: Methods and Benefits

Chances are, if you have scoliosis, you may have researched or asked a professional about surgery. Before committing to surgery, explore all your options and consider adding these preventative methods into your daily routine. Talk to your doctor about trying these methods before you resort to surgery to save time, money, and physical stress.
Whether you are young or old, exercise is important. This includes those who have been diagnosed with scoliosis. Don’t believe the myth that you shouldn’t exercise if you have scoliosis. You don’t have to give up physical activities that you once enjoyed because of scoliosis. Use discretion and follow a professional’s opinion on what you can and cannot do right now.
If you do get your doctor’s approval, physical activity can boost your mood and overall longevity. If you deal with chronic pain, consider limiting how long you pursue an activity or find modifications. Speak with a professional about a custom back brace that could help you pursue healthy amounts of exercise.
Help take the strain off your spine and enjoy the pain relief stretching can provide you. A benefit to stretches and exercises for your scoliosis is that you can do them in the comfort of your own home. Stretching prevents scoliosis from progressing and will help develop muscles that can take pressure off your spine. A few of these stretches include but are not limited to arm and leg raises, abdominal presses, and the Latissimus Dorsi stretch.
Nutrition affects scoliosis more than one may think. Patients with a healthy BMI typically respond better to exercise, chiropractic therapy, bracing, and rehabilitation. Additionally, there’s a connection between neurotransmitters and the development of scoliosis in the body. A diet rich in amino acids can encourage the neurotransmitters in someone’s body to respond better.
Lower bone density is another of scoliosis. Your diet should include nutrients that promote overall bone health to prevent low bone density. If it’s difficult to include those nutrients in your food, speak with a professional about supplements to add to your diet.
You can benefit from these noninvasive preventative measures for scoliosis. Partner them with discipline and discuss them with your doctor today.