A story about a boy in need of a case….well 2 cases.

Hands on with VRS Designs cases.
In a land far far away in a place called Canada there was this boy (by boy I mean a 40 year old man who behaves like a boy) Got a phone made from mystic bronze. This boy was so scared he would scratch or damage this slab of pinkish bronze. He looked all over the inter-webs looking and buying cases to see what ones would give him protection without sacrificing style. Now this boy purchased a clear one, a black one and a semi-transparent one.

The clear one had one major flaw. It did allow the beauty shine through but only for a short time. As this boy was not a smart boy and has chosen to partake in a disgusting habit of smoking nicotine infused plants. Problem with this clear case is it did not stay clear for long as the gross residue of nicotine stained the case fairly quickly giving it a subtle tint of yellow.
This case won’t do said the boy. I need something that allows the pretty shine and does not stain. The boy scoured the land looking for this magical case that allows the pretty of the phone to shine without staining his habit all over it.

During his adventure he stopped off at a pub in the village of amazon…ton… An old man wondered up the boy. “you’re not from around here where ya from?” The boy being a little shy stuttered out a quiet “I am from my home” The man laughed and laughed. What bring you here says? The Boy stands up and reaches into his pocket to pull his beautiful Bronze phone. The pure beauty and shimmer bring the pub to a halt. Silence blankets over the crowd as they all turn and stair at what’s in the boys’ hand. The old man says “put that away its not safe for you around here” The boy looks are the man bewildered and says “this seems to be a common reaction” I am scared I am going to scratch it and looking for a case for it. The old man points out the window and beyond the skyline of the town towards the mountains and whispers gently into the boys’ ear. “you need to head to the top of Mount Protectus. There is a cave near the top. Rumor is some of the best phone covering can be found there.
The boy runs out of the pub (after paying off his bill because he is not a savage like in most stories) Blasting through the streets to exit the town to start his journey. He runs in to a clearing just outside of town. His phone starts buzzing like a hive of bee’s in his pocket. The boy pulls out to see he has missed some updates on Facebook. He goes and sits on a bench conveniently located right in front of him to respond to there updates. While sitting there looking at his phone the moon ray (because its night?) Shimmer and softly reflect off the bronze. This shimmer caught the attention of a Dragon flying overhead. The Dragon comes and lands in front of the boy. The boy jolts up from his readings as one would if a Dragon dropped in front of you. The Boy pushes his phone back hard into his pocket.
Can I help you? The boy said to the Dragon. With a piercing stair the Dragon says. What was that boy? In a snarly tone. It was pretty and I like pretty things. he continued. The boy in his softest Canadian tone. It was my phone good sir. Are you looking for a new phone? The boy questioned. The Dragon just shook his head no and asked. Can I see it again? The boy being very suspect of this request he positioned this response. Dragon, I would like to show you but I don’t want you to eat me and take my phone. Can we make an accord? Dragon snipped back with a quick. SPEAK BOY. The Boy made a deal that if he showed him he could not eat him or take the phone but if the Dragon flew the boy to the top of the mountain he would share his secret on where Dragon could find his own. The Dragon annoyed with this deal began to flail his head around, snarling and spitting in a rage. The Boy loud enough for him to be heard over the Dragon snarls he yelled. If you eat me, you eat the pretty phone and will not know how to get another one. The Dragon stops says nothing and kneels to the ground for the boy to climb on t his back.
They get to the top cave within a few minutes. The boy slides off the Dragon to the ground. Looks at the Dragon whispers the location into his ear and then throws a handful of dirt in to its eye and runs like a bolt of lightning in to the cave. He knew as soon as he told the Dragon he would just eat him as the Dragon never actually agreed not to eat him.
Now that the boy is safe and in the cave, he notices a glow coming from down the cavern. The boy walks toward the warm glow. He now enters an enormous void within this mountain with cases everywhere. All over the floor, wall, and kiosk randomly in the middle. It was like an epic flea market off cases. Off in the far distance of this massive room sat a tall set of golden stairs that led to a very large door with the letters VRS. His curiosity sends him over to the door. He reaches up and slams the very heavy knocker to gain access to what treasure lay behind said door.
The door opens slowly while making a low sound creak noise and emerging light (like every movie with a big ornate door) Behind the door is just a man and a wall with cases. Rugged, clear, wallet style ect.
The Man walks over to the boy and says in comically high pitch tone “what phone are you looking to protect boy” The boy starts to laugh at the mans voice and just reaches in to pocket and with the grace of a spartan soldier swing his phone above his head. She sheer awesomeness of this event and the shimmer of the phone it disintegrates the man where he stood. The Boy shocked by the power of this action because concerned. Another man walks up to the boy looks and the pile of dust that used to be his coworker looks at the boy and says in a normal baritone voice. That’s the third time this week.
What style of case are you looking for boy? The boy responds with his requirements. I need Clear, but not to clear that my phone does that. As he points to the dust pile. Also rugged. I have had a strange day and could have dropped it many many times. Not bulky too if you don’t mind.
The new man reached back behind him and presented the VRS Design Galaxy Note 20 Ultra Case Crystal Mixx Pro. And says to me.
The case fits like a glove. The front of the case has notches in the corners to make it easier to take the phone in and out. The rubber bumper around the case is notched for better grip and it looks cool. Buttons are clicky where is a super win for me. The holes on the bottom for your speaker, charger, mic and stylus are perfectly cut. I have used several chargers with this case and no fitting issues at all. The cut out for the stylus is great as they cut the whole in such away that when you pop out the stylus you’re not fighting with the case to get to the stylus.

The back is what I love. It is a semi transparent almost clear carbon fiber look. Because of how big the camera notch is the put little risers on the corners so when it is lying on its back it sits level with not wobbles. Which when your using s-Pen that is the best. It does come with a wrist strap if you need one, I guess. lol I have wrist like other people’s legs so I did not use this feature.
There was also the Damda QuickStand I used. It is not my daily driver as it does not show the pretty of the phone but if I am going out to park with the kids and even sitting somewhere waiting for sometime like an appointment I use this. It is rugged, it is light, it has a kick stand for me to binge watch Netflix while on the go.

I have had several cases for the Note 20 Ultra but these 2 have been fantastic. Both Cases are only $29.99 USD. You can also get them on Amazon or from there website www.vrsdesign.com. They offer a wide variety of phones and types. Check them out.
They boy chooses the 2 cases the man recommend and heads out, down the stairs, across the market, out the cavern to where the Dragon….CHOMP. Dragon just ate the boy! Dang it! Well at least the phone is protected in there and will be ok once it has been passed.
Till next time people remember Dragons are not to be trusted.
P.S i have dropped my note 20 ultra 3 times on the corner pretty hard and the Note 20 Ultra Case Crystal Mixx Pro saved it each time with no damage at all.