Pick Up a Gift for your Lady and Help Support Breast Cancer Awareness

1. Betsy Bar Soap from Indigo Wild honors their bestie, Betsy Medina. Her rock star status is legendary from her battle-of-the-bands style takedown of breast cancer. So this one goes out to her in lavender and lemon and in the form of a Betsy Goat’s Milk Soap Bar and moisturizing Body Lotion. For every Betsy Body Lotion sold, they donate 25% of sales to Back in the Swing, supporting healthy and proactive living after breast cancer. For every Betsy Bar Soap sold, they donate $1 to Turning Point: The Center for Hope and Healing. https://www.indigowild.com/body-care/betsy.html And here’s Betsy’s Story – https://www.indigowild.com/betsy
2. This Pink Leather Travel Jewelry Case from Joie de Viv is crafted from fine leather, and the perfect companion for your travels no matter where your final destination! Made from 100% real leather, the case can be carried in just about any purse or travel bag. They will donate 5% of their monthly sales and 50% of all proceeds from sales of the pink jewelry case to BCA Awareness Month support.
3. SOPHi allows health-conscious women to have a worry-free, yet long-lasting manicure! Non-toxic, virtually odorless nail polish that is better than 9 or 16 free, because it is free of ALL harsh chemicals! This water-based formula leaves nails healthy and doesn’t cause them to yellow or become brittle.Plus, SOPHi is cruelty-free + vegan. SOPHi will be offering a 10% promo code and 15% of all sales during this promotion will be donated to a BCA organizations.