How Access Control Can Help Solve Crimes

You’re really paying for the full package with an access control system. These systems offer biometrics, storage of personal information, and encryption, and that’s just a taste of how deep the system goes. If you invest in one of these systems, you can be sure that safety and security will always be a priority. Let’s discuss how access control can help solve crimes and protect your business.
Key Cards
If someone gets access to a keycard that they shouldn’t have, there are authentication methods that can dictate if the card is worthy. For instance, if an individual leaves the card somewhere, fingerprints can be taken on it. Chips can also be installed in the card that can be read after every swipe. These features may not be able to track where the card is, but they can track when it was used, allowing you to decipher who is in possession of the card.
Pin Codes
Pin codes can help keep your company safe in several ways. First, if an intruder was not crafty enough to cover their hands when accessing the door, their fingerprints may be present on the pin code pad. Additionally, if someone enters an incorrect pin too many times, the door will automatically lock itself and may trip an alarm or signal the main control room to begin video recording the incident. The system should lock itself for a set amount of time after several failed attempts at entry. With a security system like this in place, you won’t have to focus as much on what to do after your business has been broken into, as you’ll have stopped the break-in before it even takes place.
Mobile Access
Cellular authentication involves multiple processes, including coded encryption, which requires individuals to have the correct email and passwords for entry. These systems can be tricky but are well worth the effort to set up as added security for your access control system. These systems allow you to use a smart phone to gain access to secure areas.
This is a fool-proof means of accessing your system by means of fingerprint scanning, eyeball imaging, or voice recognition. No one will have the unique credentials that you do, so no one will be able to access your home or business but you. This type of system has been used by government entities for years and has been successful, which proves why it is a great addition to your access control system.
An access control system might be your best option for collecting details and evidence following a break-in. Their functions provide ideal examples of how access control can help solve crimes through evidence collection and information gathering.