Navier Providing SHARP’s Latest Flagship “AQUOS R6” with Its AI-based Super-resolution

Navier Inc. has provided its deep learning-based image processing technology for AQUOS R6*1, the latest flagship smartphone of Sharp Corporation.
Navier develops a variety of image processing technology including super-resolution, sharpening, and noise removal for images and videos. Navier has a proven capability in deep learning-based image processing. In 2020, a paper*1 from Navier’s research team was accepted in CVPR 2020, a top-tier international academic conference in the field of computer vision.

AQUOS R6 is equipped with a camera system jointly designed and developed by Sharp Corporation and Leica Camera AG. Navier’s technology has realized its digital zooming function of real-time processing without compromising image quality.
*1 AQUOS, and the AQUOS mark are trademarks of Sharp Corporation.
*2 Shunta Maeda. “Unpaired Image Super-Resolution Using Pseudo-Supervision.” IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2020.