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Dream it, Build it: How to Build A Website For Any Business Goal

About 80 percent of potential customers visit the internet these days to make inquiries before making any purchase or visiting a physical shop. This underlines just how important a business website is to the success of any business. In those days, building one for your business could prove to be a herculean task but nowadays we have website builders or content management systems (CMS). The website builder is pretty easy for beginners to use while CMS requires that you have some programming knowledge. Though they are both great options, their setups are a bit different. Let us look at how you can build that ideal website to help you achieve your business goal.

Choose a domain name
This will be your website’s unique address and the first thing that potential customers get to see, so you should choose something that lets them know what your business is or may be all about. Then you also have to make sure that no one else has that domain name. Avoid abbreviations or unnecessary hyphens so that customers will easily be able to find you again when they are looking for you. You will be paying an initial cost to register your domain and then pay a yearly fee to keep it functioning. This will ensure that no one else can pay for it. Some website builders like Wix can make the domain free for you for the first year though

Choose a web host
Your web host is a server where all your data is stored for the public to access at all times. Every website needs one and it will be good to consider an external host that will work for you as it may be very costly for your small business to host it on its own. All you need to do is to consider your budget and make your choice from either a shared web host which is cheaper or a dedicated host which costs way more. For the latter, you will have your own private server and it will play an important role in making the speed of your website fast. Some website builders include web hosting in their monthly packages. Some web hosting services are A2 hosting, 1&1 Ionos, and DreamHost.

Create an email

A custom email like instantly looks more credible than So, it is good to get one for your business to make it look more professional and established. Getting one does not cost much and it is also an easy process. G Suite is most commonly used which is powered by Google.

Choose your website builder and create your website

Now, this is where the technicality starts. Though most website builders are pretty easy for beginners to use. However, if you want something very professional, you can collaborate with a website design firm. A very good website design firm will build your website exactly to your taste and implement your business goals. This is because different businesses will have significantly varying needs. There are several website builders but the most commonly used is Wix. There are other options that are common too like Squarespace and Weebly. A good website is more than a static homepage. You have to create multiple pages dedicated to different aspects of your business. While at it, make sure that each page supports your website’s primary goal, has a clear purpose, and includes a call to action like “sign up”, “contact us”, “learn more”, or “buy item”.

After choosing a website builder to go with, the next is to pick a template that will act as your design springboard. This will be an opportunity to display your creativity and get a real view of how your business website could look. Wix allows you total freedom to customize your template the way you want. Squarespace isn’t that generous but it is still okay. Weebly is more friendly here than Squarespace but whichever one you pick, you will enjoy creating your website.

Add content to your website

You can add content once you are through with using your template. Website builders usually make this part of the website building process very easy, though with different formats. At this stage, you can add extra pages if you want. If you are using Wix or even Weebly, you can do drag-and-drops. Wix is more extensive on the list of customization though. Squarespace is not all drag-and-drop though. Most of the changes for the Squarespace builder are made in the sidebars with only a little customization happening on the actual page. It will be good to study each builder’s specific editor before you know which one to use. Nonetheless, you can find on original news articles about e-marketing, entrepreneurship, artificial intelligence, finance, copywriting, technology, education, content creation, video making, photography, art, web design, productivity, writing, informatics and more!

Final word

Have you been running your business and growing it gradually without an online presence? How about a quadruple of what you used to make or more by taking your business online. Building the ideal website is no longer a problem. Once you can dream it, you can build it. If you follow these tips above, you should be able to create one for yourself and you can never set a foot wrong with this resolution.

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