The Ultimate Haircare Guide: Top Tips & Tricks To Maintain Luscious Locks

Taking great care of your hair doesn’t have to be as difficult as you might imagine, as there are just a few key steps that you can make the most of to look after your locks today. Thankfully this guide contains some of the most effective ideas that you can implement to maintain a marvellous mane, so simply read on to discover more!

Eat A Nutritious Diet
One of the most important steps that you must follow if you want to look after your hair is to eat a nutritious diet. The food that you eat directly converts into the fuel and substance that your body uses for every task, including creating and caring for your hair, so choosing to eat a diet riddled with junk food and unhealthy snacks will cause your hair to become weak and brittle. Regularly failing to consume your daily requirement of vitamins and minerals will no doubt have an impact on your hair, as you can expect to fall victim to dry, lifeless locks that have countless split ends. On the other hand, when you take the time to consume a nutritious diet that is rich in fruit and vegetables along with lots of healthy protein sources, your hair will certainly reap the rewards! Protein is key for healthy hair growth, so if you want to maintain thick, soft locks then you need to up your protein intake. Some of the best high protein foods which are said to be good for your hair include eggs, fatty fish and avocados. Including these foods in your daily diet will certainly help you to achieve healthy hair, so it’s something that you should consider.
Establish A Great Hair Care Routine
It’s vital that you can take the time to establish a great hair care routine that you can implement whenever you need to wash your hair, which realistically should be no more than 3 times a week. Washing your hair more than 3 times a week will strip your scalp of the natural oils that are created to protect your skin and hair, which in turn can damage your locks right from the roots. The type of shampoo, conditioner and aftercare products that you use will also impact on the health of your hair, so you need to take some time to find the right combination for your unique needs. It has to be said that drugstore hair care brands generally won’t provide you with the results that you are seeking, as they are cheap, chemical formulas that are not certified by expert hairdressers. Alternatively, there are many different websites and salon stores that you visit which stock quality hair care products that would actually be used by a qualified hairdresser, so this is definitely a better option to explore. Source a shampoo that fits your needs, as there are blends for oily hair, dry scalp, and even formulas that can help to create volume and bounce. Find a conditioner that can help to lock in moisture without being heavy, and finish off your routine with heat protection so that your hair won’t get damaged when you dry or straighten it. Some of the best salon quality hair heat protectants to try in 2022 are surprisingly more affordable than you might expect, and they work wonders in minimizing unsightly issues like split ends and dryness.
Don’t Pull It Too Tight
With sleek ponytails being the latest trend, it’s all too common to find hair scraped back in a super tight hairband. Although this look is stylish and cute, it’s terrible for your hair and can actually cause real damage. Regularly pulling your hair too tight in a hair band can give you severe scalp pain, and it even feels uncomfortable for hours after you have taken the hair band out. The best hairstyle that you can maintain for the sake of your hair is to wear it down, but if you do need to put your hair up for whatever reason then use a satin scrunchie instead. Satin scrunchies are much softer on your hair and will not pull, simply keeping your ponytail neatly in place without any pain or discomfort. Alternatively you can put your hair in a loose ballet bun rather than pulling it tight, as this is equally as cute as a sleek ponytail and will still keep all of your hair out of your face.
Change Your Pillowcase
Last but by no means least, making the decision to change your pillowcase may actually be the saving grace that protects your hair more than you might ever imagine. Upgrading to a satin pillowcase can certainly have a noticeable impact on the condition of your hair, especially if it’s curly or textured, as the super soft fabric is gentle on your strands and won’t cause excessive frizz. Do you ever wake up in the morning with hair poking out in all directions, looking like you just dragged yourself out of a hedge? It’s probably because of the material of your pillowcase! Materials like cotton and other cheaper alternatives don’t work well with your hair, and when you toss and turn through the night (especially during the summer when you’re hot and sweaty) your hair is likely to take on a wild style while it’s being dragged around on the unsuitable surface. Instead, a satin or silk pillowcase allows your hair to simply glide around, causing a lot less damage and helping to maintain your style too.
Learning how to take great care of your hair has never been so simple when you can take the time to utilize the brilliant tips and tricks that have been carefully described above. It’s a continued process that you need to stick to, so make sure that you follow these steps each week if you want to achieve the best results long term. Eat a healthy diet that’s high in protein, establish a great hair care routine, don’t pull your hair too tight and switch to a satin pillowcase for the sake of your locks!